Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October skies...

Song of the day:


October is always the most interesting month for me.
October is a month when so many of my friends celebrate their respective birthdays.
October is never boring as I will always have the chance to have two separate big feasts.
October never fails to bring smiles and laughters to me.

October skies may not be the clearest nor the darkest.
October skies bring rain but not extreme sorrow and depression.
October skies cool down the heat on earth due to the heat from the sun.
October skies never fail to bring relaxation to me.

However, things change dramatically in 2009.

October fails to bring smiles and laughters to me.
Instead, extreme sorrow and depression engulfed my life.
October fails to bring excitement to my life.
Instead, it causes anxiety and nervousness in my soul.

What is wrong with October 2009?

Is it temptation?
They say temptation is an strong evil character.
Temptation pulls you away from reality and buries you deep into the ground.
They say temptation brings darkness into your life.
Temptation shields you away from positivity and pushes you into negativity.
They say temptation never fails to fail you.
Temptation blocks you away from miracles and welcomes you into the open arms of extreme misery.

What is temptation then?
Is it the opposite sex?
Is it lust?
Or is it love?

No no no idea.

I just wish to get out of temptation.
I just wish the temptation would go away from me.
I just wish to have good memories instead of temptation.
I just wish my wish is fulfilled.