Saturday, May 10, 2008

What's next?

Song of the day:
蔡淳佳 - "Yesterday"


It's almost the end of my four years at the so-called "Premier university for science and technology in Malaysia".

I felt ashamed of what the university authority call themselves.

Anyway, I've finished my final exams.

I've finished my final year project presentation.

I've finished my thesis.

All in all, I'm a free man now!..

Well sort of. UTM has been a so-called "prison" to me.

It doesn't have high four walls of course but I've tonnes of things to complain about UTM.

I'll leave that to another day then.


What a relaxing moment.

I've been anticipating this day for ages.

Well, I've been slacking for quite a number of days; one week to be exact.

At the same time, it's also time for me to make probably the biggest decision in my life.

What's next?

What's next for this fella?

Yup, the title of this blog entry.

Ever since I entered UTM, I don't have a particular direction that I'll be heading towards after graduation.

Thus, I've been lingering around in the past few months, basically hanging around, looking around and listening around.

Career fairs, career talks, university peers' opinions (while lunching or yumcha with them), lecturers' advice...

All sources have been explored.

I hate to talk about making decisions in my life but I can't help it!

Currently, I see myself in the following directions:
  1. Post-graduate studies
  2. Education field (teaching etc.)
  3. Anything other than engineering
It's easy right?

Those three are not yet ranked.

Currently also, I'm going to apply for scholarship to study masters or PhD in anywhere possible in the world.

But I prefer to be nearer to home this time around unless I couldn't get the offer from Singapore.

Then I might head to UK and meet up with Jamie "Sexay" Sanderson, who's my Arsenal buddy on MSN and a cool character in my life.

Teaching is a more probable job option for me if compared to engineering.

So now it's pretty much an uncertain period for me but hey, hopefully I can sort this out really soon.


By the way, if you really notice my blog, I've changed the banner of my blog.

Pretty cool eh??

I've always wanted to change the banner but because of my laziness and busy-ness of 4th year life, I'm so wasted and couldn't even get a decent and better looking banner.

I thought this new banner is pretty cool eh.

As I become "slimmer" (according to majority of the people around me saying so), my looks definitely changes too.

So don't be surprised to see me being slim.

After all, who doesn't want kevlinefm to be slim eh?

Probably you of course. Muahaha...


I realise that lately I've been pretty obsessed with 蔡淳佳 (or Joi) and her songs.

I couldn't get her songs out of my head.

Surprisingly, I bought her album in Harris (under Popular Book Store) in Aeon City, J.J. while having gathering with my coursemates.

Since then, everyday has been a new day for me as I keep loving different songs of hers.

First it was 依恋.

Then on past Monday, it was 慶幸有你愛我.

On Wednesday, it was Yesterday.

Then slowly today, it's 女人们的咖啡.

Damn man. I admit Joi is very pretty for a decent Singapore girl.

Big eyed Joi

My heart melts when I listen to Yesterday in the past few days.

Sorry for being a moron.

I've to admit that she looks like my friend's girlfriend :(

She's SOOO cute.

She's so my type I really gotta say this.

"STOP the crapping Kelvin!"


No vacation period for me as my coursemates are done with their stuff and are more interested in enjoying concrete fun rather than nature fun.

So much from development huh.

I would rather enjoy nature than playing those crappy concrete games like rollercoaster.

Till then, to those who are enjoying holidays now,


as Kanye and T-Pain would sing about "Good Life".

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